If you’re inspired, excited and passionate about your organization’s mission and vision and are ready to launch your non-profit, then take our 5-minute eligibility test. We will then get back with you within 24 hours, and let you know if your organization is eligible for the IRS 501(c)(3) status. (Form 1023 EZ or 1023 Long form) We will also let you know if we will handle your application.


Payments are paid in milestones. Pay when you get your documents and 501(c)(3) status.

See How We Work


Give us a call at ‪(800) 974 – 5729  8:00 am to 10 :00 pm to speak with one of our nonprofit experts.

Over 60 years of combined experience, we’ll ensure you always get the best guidance. We serve clients at every level of their organization.

We offer every imaginable service that a nonprofit needs.

See our Signature Services.